Health and Safety Executive Policy
This policy document is an integral part of the management system for occupational health, safety and welfare and details the mandatory requirements to be applied throughout the Company. It is the Policy of the Company so far as is reasonably practicable to: Maintain a management system approach to occupational health and safety in accordance with the requirements of OHSAS 18001:2007. Provide and maintain machinery, plant, facilities, equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health. Ensure safety and the absence of risks to health in connection with the use, control, handling, storage and transport of materials and substances.
Provide training, instruction, guidance and advice to ensure the competence of employees, and ensure that allocated tasks are within their skills, knowledge and ability to perform safely. Maintain all places of work under the Company’s control, including the means of access and egress, in a condition that is safe and without risk to health. Provide and maintain a working environment that is safe and without risk to health, and provide appropriate facilities for welfare from the start of all projects. Implement and maintain arrangements for consultation with staff on health & safety matters. Comply with the statutory requirements as the minimum standard for health, safety and welfare of employees at work, and all others for whom the Company has statutory obligations. Provide appropriate resources for the health surveillance of employees to minimize the risk of occupational disease and occupational ill health. Ensure that the roles and responsibilities of management and employees are clearly defined and assigned at all levels.
Ensure that all Contractors engaged in connection with the Company’s business are competent in respect of necessary health, safety and environmental requirements. Provide adequate resources (including training, information, guidance, supervision, plant & equipment, and support services) for the achievement of this policy. All employees, for their part, are encouraged to contribute actively towards achieving and promoting the objectives outlined in the policy above to maintain work environments that are free from accidents and occupational ill-health incidents. Employees are not required to undertake tasks that exceed their capacity or capability, places them in a situation of danger, or which they reasonably believe to be unsafe. Erfan International Tile Company implements this policy in combination with HSE applicable legislation and regulation, codes of practice of our clients and applicable national and international laws.
