Eitile Trademark
EITILE Company Trademark Guidelines
When referring to EITILE Company trademark and the name of Erfan International Tile Company products on packaging, promotional materials, advertising, Web sites, and other collateral, follow the General EITILE Company Trademark Guidelines. These guidelines set the basic rules for using EITILE Company trademarks and product names.
Guidelines for Some Specific Brands
Digu Trademark Guideline
Follow these guidelines when referring to EITILE Company Digu brand products, including but not limited to Moarragh, Mogharnas, Moagheli, Gereh/Girih, Rasmi and Especial seven color tile. The applicable tile-brand product on their product packaging, in documentation, and in marketing materials provided they follow the guidelines outlined on this page.
Properly Identify Digu Products
Follow these guidelines when using the name Digu and specific references to a particular Tile brand product in the text of your materials. The following is a partial list of Digu brand products:
- Moarragh
- Mogharnas
- Moagheli
- Gereh/Girih
- Rasmi
- Especial 7 Color
Do Not Shorten, Abbreviate, or Create Acronyms for the Digu Trademark.
Do not use the EITILE and Digu logo on or in connection with products, packaging, manuals, promotional or advertising materials, or Web sites for any purpose except pursuant to an express written trademark license from Erfan International Tile Co.
Erfan International Tile's Logo |
Erfan International Tile's Brand Logo |
Merchandise Items
Do not manufacture, sell, or give away merchandise items, such as T-shirts or mugs, that bear the EITILE Company trademark, including the Eitile Company and Digu logo.
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